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Alhena is a SUPERYACHT with hull and aluminum superstructure. The two powerful engines MTU 16V 4000 M 90 allow it to reach a maximum speed of 32 knots.
Functional and innovative interiors, are signed by architect Laura Baldoni that has chosen to focus on a design that is modulated on geometry of the square and has favored Woods like cherry and Burl.The great Hall is divided on the need for a large area of conversation, as well as a handy table which, if any, becomes coffe table.From the cockpit, a stairway leads to the garage and the large Stern hatch that once opened, create a large sea platform, critical to soak or use tender and jet skis. A further larger garage, equipped with telescopic crane, allows the shelter at the bows of two Jet Skis and a small dinghy.
Viale C. Colombo, 4Bis
54033 Marina di Carrara (MS) Italy
VAT 00096320452
Share Capital € 26.500.000,00 i. v.